Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas: The Other Side
2.30K Views0 Likes
Guests: David Brock and Aisa McCullough (1804)
Another Kind of Space Man
1.92K Views0 Likes
Profile of Black Astronaut Frederick Drew Gregory. Guest: Col. Frederick Gregory, Astronaut (322)
Another Look At Mississippi
1.97K Views0 Likes
Segment probes textbook controversy in the Magnolia State. (417)
Another Version of the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
2.11K Views0 Likes
Washington Post headline: “Miss Evers’ Misses The Mark On Tuskegee Tragedy.” That statement of admonishment for the 2001 HBO film about the story of the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment is an understatement. “The experime...
Another Version of the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
813 Views1 Likes
The experiment turned out to be a heinous government experiment in which hundreds of Black men with syphilis infection went untreated for 40 years. While the government lied to the men and pretended to heal them, the...
Another View of the Slave Trade
2.37K Views1 Likes
Panelists discuss whether or not slavery really exists in present day Mauritania and Sudan. Guests: Samuel Cotton, A. Akbar Muhammad, Sheikh Anwar McKeen. (1817)
Are Black Gays Part of the Family?
2.78K Views0 Likes
A new political backlash has emerged in the Black community that could hurt Sen. John Kerry, since 91% of Black voters are likely to oppose President George Bush. Black preachers, opposed to same-sex marriage, threate...
Are Black/Jewish Relations As Bad As We Thought?
1.79K Views2 Likes
Rabbi Marc Schneier discusses a report from The Foundation for Ethnic Understanding on Black/Jewish relations in the United States as it relates to (1) Cooperation; (2) Conflict; and (3) Human Interest. 2005