Words For The Spirit
2.00K Views1 Likes
Secular and spiritual leaders share words of wisdom on many of the issues facing society today. (2123)
3.02K Views2 Likes
Since the beginning of the filming of "Malcolm X," the soon-to-be-released Warner Brothers' movie, controversy concerning the film director's treatment of the slain Black leader, as well as his promotion of the film, ...
Y2K Alarmist
2.61K Views0 Likes
A 30% fall in the Dow Jones industrial average in 1999 and crashing computers will cause a worldwide recession, even a possible depression. Who would predict such doomsday events? Only a Y2K alarmist who also happens...
Y2K at the Community Level
2.10K Views0 Likes
The Year 2000 Problem -- the programming glitch that prevents computers from recognizing the year 2000 -- guarantees to have a major impact on every area of society. The private and public sectors are wrestling with ...
Y2K Survival
2.68K Views0 Likes
This program discusses the year 2000 Y2K issue with guests Ed Meagher, host of "Y2K Today" and Tony Keyes, author of "The Year 2000 Computer Crisis." 2209
Y2K: Run For Your Life
2.06K Views1 Likes
This program on the Y2K problem examines the best-case and worst-case scenarios as the country prepares for the new millennium. 2202
Y2K: Why Worry?
2.27K Views0 Likes
Do Americans have all the facts about the Year 2000 computer crisis? Can the public differentiate between fact and fallacy? What are community groups, businesses and governmental agencies doing to rectify the problem?...
Young Black Men: A Problem That Is Ignored
3.58K Views0 Likes
The already dire situation of young Black men in the US has worsened. A study found that employment and education statistics have gotten even worse, despite improvements in the economy. A huge pool of poorly educated ...
Your Money With A Twist
1.96K Views0 Likes
Women with clout in the world of finance. Guests: Brooke Stephens, author of "Talking Dollars and Making Sense and Suze Orman, author of "9 Steps To Financial Freedom"