When the Eagle Flies – The Impact of the Black Soldier
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An examination of the impact of the black soldier in the nation's armed forces, his role as a leader in race relations and a pictorial history of the Black 92nd Division during WWII. (203)
Are Black/Jewish Relations As Bad As We Thought?
1.79K Views2 Likes
Rabbi Marc Schneier discusses a report from The Foundation for Ethnic Understanding on Black/Jewish relations in the United States as it relates to (1) Cooperation; (2) Conflict; and (3) Human Interest. 2005
Malcolm X and Judas
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MALCOLM X AND JUDAS: Karl Evanzz, who spent 15 years uncovering more than 300,000 pages of previously classified and hidden information about Malcolm X's assassination, compiled his findings in an explosive new book...
Which is Worse: Mosquitoes Or Nerve Poison?
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This program examines the turbulent 1960s as the nation moves into the 21st Century. The events of that era are chronicled through archival footage and rare interviews with the leaders of that period. (2219)
An A-1 Threat
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Tony Brown and guests discuss Angela Thompson and NY State A-1 Felony Laws. Guests: Emily Antley, Angela Thompson Supporter; Jeffery Jones, President, Help 4U Services, Group; and Jerome Marks, Retired NY Supreme ...
National Conspiracy Against Blacks? Part 1
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Early examination of the Atlanta killings Early examination of the killings in Atlanta. Guests: Lowell Ware, Atlanta Voice Publisher & Editor; Lillian Cosby and Billy Rowe, syndicated columnist. (403)
Why Y2K Will Crash The Economy
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Dr. Edward Yardeni, chief economist of Deutsche Bank Securities in New York City and the man who is ranked as one of the top market pundits, continues Part II of his alarming discussion of the Year 2000 issue. He pred...