When The Chickens Came Home To Roost — Part 1
5.09K Views7 Likes
Part I & II. This is a one-hour version of the award-winning 1982 New York stage hit “When The Chickens Came Home To Roost,” written by Lawrence Holder and produced by Woodie King, Jr. It stars Denzel Washingt...
When The Chickens Came Home To Roost — Part 2
3.86K Views2 Likes
Part I & II. This is a one-hour version of the award-winning 1982 New York stage hit “When The Chickens Came Home To Roost,” written by Lawrence Holder and produced by Woodie King, Jr. It stars Denzel Washing...
When the Eagle Flies – The Impact of the Black Soldier
1.81K Views0 Likes
An examination of the impact of the black soldier in the nation's armed forces, his role as a leader in race relations and a pictorial history of the Black 92nd Division during WWII. (203)
When The Sisters Came Marching Home
3.50K Views2 Likes
The 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion was the only African-American WAC unit to serve overseas in WWII. This unit was responsible for redirecting the mail to the GI's on the battlefield, a Sisyphean feat, cons...
Where Do We Go From Roots?
2.00K Views0 Likes
An examination of race relation in post-Roots America, the deeper meanings of the book and TV series to the American public. Guests: Dr. John Howard, Researcher, State University of New York; Dr. Louis Bolce, professo...
Where Do We Grow From Roots?
2.34K Views0 Likes
An examination of race relation in post-Roots America, the deeper meanings of the book and TV series to the American public.Guests: Dr. John Howard, Researcher, State University of New York; Dr. Louis Bolce, professo...
Where Was Rock N Roll 35 Years Ago
4.76K Views2 Likes
Many people and many styles of music influenced Rock and Roll. The styles included Blues, Jazz, Gospel, Bluegrass, Boogie-Woogie, and Rockabilly. Each was a major factor into the introduction of a new style of music c...
Which is Worse: Mosquitoes Or Nerve Poison?
1.79K Views0 Likes
This program examines the turbulent 1960s as the nation moves into the 21st Century. The events of that era are chronicled through archival footage and rare interviews with the leaders of that period. (2219)
White Man’s Burden
2.81K Views1 Likes
Harry Belafonte talks about the movie he starred in with John Travolta