75 Good Men & Women
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Knoxville College, a historical Black college in Knoxville, Tennessee, survived an almost fatal blow with the help of two talented and dedicated Black women who decided that they were not going to let it fail. Knoxvi...
Shackled Immigrants
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An exploratory examination of how slavery and racism impacted the social and economic progress of African-Americans as compared to other immigrant groups. (2203)
Black Catholics
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An evaluation of the role of Blacks in the Roman Catholic Church. (317)
Can Black Athletes Score in the Classroom?
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Black athletes have proven that they are winners on the playing field, but poor school performance has plagued their ability to earn high marks in academics. Dr. Leonard Moore, director of African and African-American...
Closing The Education Gap
2.39K Views0 Likes
Dr. Ronald Ferguson, Achievement Gap Initiative, Harvard University 2805
Doing It Her Way
2.01K Views1 Likes
Sarah Harrison, a vice president of one of the top five pharmaceutical companies in the world, and Rev. Barbara Reynolds, an author and award-winning journalist, discuss the triumphs and pitfalls of being successful, ...
Your Money With A Twist
1.96K Views0 Likes
Women with clout in the world of finance. Guests: Brooke Stephens, author of "Talking Dollars and Making Sense and Suze Orman, author of "9 Steps To Financial Freedom"
2.59K Views0 Likes
Economics in Harlem, USA. Guests: William Underwood, Carl Nesfield, Robert Clemons and George Subira. (511)