Why Is Cancer Killing So Many Blacks?
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A discussion of the menacing death toll that cancer has among Blacks and what can be done about it. (418)
Pain or Puncture?
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Black scientist studies acupuncture: A filmic examination of the research into acupuncture at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden and China by some of the world's greatest authorities. Guest: Dr. Allan S. Counter (311)
Can the US Commission on Civil Rights do its Job as the Nation’s Conscious?
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The new chairman of the U. S. Commission on Civil Rights, Gerald Reynolds, discusses the future of the agency and addresses charges that the commission has outlived its usefulness.(2813)
The Secretary of Education’s Plan for Better Schools
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A recent study found that only six percent of Black eight graders could pass the math section of the SAT test. On this program, Secretary Rod Paige, the first Black secretary of education and the first to hold that o...
Will Blacks Accept The Bush Presidency?
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Rev. Walter Fauntroy, President of the National Black Leadership Roundtable discusses the Al Gore loss and the George Bush win. (2403)
The Soul of a Congresswoman
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She is called the “Warrior on the Hill.” A political pioneer and civil and human rights icon, Eleanor Holmes Norton represents the District of Columbia in Congress. Norton discusses her career and the “fire in her so...
A Slow Fade To White
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In the name of integration, mergers with larger White colleges or out-right abolishment are threatening the very existence of the nation's Black four-year public institutions. An examination of the plight facing publi...