Africa in Chaos
2.06K Views1 Likes
Famine, colonialism, civil war, dictators and terrorism have marked Africa’s political and social history. Is there a prescription for addressing Africa’s problems? What is at the core of the continent’s social and ...
Africa’s Downfall
2.88K Views2 Likes
Dr. Chancellor Williams, the widely-acclaimed historian, continues his discussion with Tony Brown as to why Africans, the first builders of civilization in the cradle of world civilization and the discoverers of math...
African American or Black, Is there a Difference?
2.58K Views2 Likes
The ethnic description of Americans of African descent has shifted from colored to Negro to Black and, at the recent urging of Jessie Jackson, African-American. There are immigrants who feel that they should be inclu...
African Origin: Civilized or Barbaric?
2.80K Views1 Likes
Guest Yaa-Lengi Ngemi discuss societal beliefs about Africa and world history from an Afrocentric perspective. 1922
African Presence in Asia
3.35K Views1 Likes
Historian and scholar Dr. Runoko Rashidi has researched the African presence globally and the African foundations of world civilizations. On this program, he exposes little-known facts about African origins in Asia. ...
African Versus European Culture
2.51K Views1 Likes
Afrocentric historians have challenged the Eurocentric world-view of African history and culture. In his newest work, Dr. Molefi Kete Asante, author of The Afrocentric Idea, boldly confronts critics of Afrocentric th...
Afro Brazil
3.14K Views1 Likes
If you are a person of color in Brazil, the chances are the negative impact of historical slavery is still with you. That’s the bad news. (1711)
AIDS and Health
3.39K Views1 Likes
As new reports of patients who were HIV positive but who never developed AIDS continue to show up in medical journals, the validity of the official government's position that the human immunodefiency virus is the prec...
AIDS Counterpoint
2.38K Views0 Likes
On a previous Tony Brown's Journal program, Dr. Nathaniel Lehrman and Mr. John Lauritsen discussed a link between AIDS and drug usage, especially crack cocaine, and both condemned the usage of toxic chemicals, such a...