The MLK Dream You Can See
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The legacy of civil rights activist Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. is indelibly etched in the fabric of American history. Harry Johnson, president of the Washington, D.C. Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial Pro...
The Museum That Saved Chicago’s History
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Who was the pioneer settler of Chicago? The answer is Jean Baptiste Pointe DuSable, an African American from Sainte-Domingue, Haiti. Margaret Burroughs, a founder of the DuSable Museum of African-American History in...
The Mystery of Black Survival in Sports
2.80K Views0 Likes
Educators Dana Brooks and Ron Althouse, editors of “Racism in College Sports,” provide a scholarly approach to the issue of racism in college athletics.(2810)
The New Black Leaders With An Accent
2.21K Views0 Likes
The increasing number of Blacks at the nation’s major universities may be Black, but they are also Black people who are immigrants from Africa, the West Indies and Latin America. The largest minority in America is His...
The New CyberSpace Cadets
1.97K Views0 Likes
Owen Tonkins, an Internet entreprenuer and Madeline Pettway, a software tester discuss the Internet with host Tony Brown. (1911(
The One Drop Rule
2.54K Views1 Likes
Scott Malcomson, a member of The New York Times editorial board and author of One Drop of Blood: The American Misadventure of Race, explains the meaning behind what he calls “the essence of whiteness – the origins of ...