The Charge Is Murder
3.19K Views1 Likes
Discussion of the plot to Murder Malcolm X. Guests: Jack Baxter and Khalil Islam. (1801)
The Chief (Alfred Anderson)
4.18K Views1 Likes
The father of Black Aviation, Charles A. “Chief” Anderson, turned the tide against segregation in the armed services when he gave Eleanor Roosevelt her first plane ride with a Black pilot – an experience which the US ...
The City of Brothers and Sisters
1.98K Views0 Likes
Gang rehabilitation in Philadelphia How some of Philadelphia's most vicious gang members were turned into respectable citizens by a concerned Black family is examined. (411)
The Clarence Thomas Affair
2.35K Views0 Likes
A year after Anita Hill's congressional committee testimony in which she accused then Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas of unethical sexual behavior, differences of opinion concerning the televised hearings contin...
The Color of Freedom: From The Streets to the Suites — Part 4
4.64K Views3 Likes
Discusses the economic history of the Black community and the need for economic growth. (907)
The Conference that Never Happened
2.59K Views2 Likes
The rhetoric of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict engulfed the U.N. World Conference Against Racism in Durban, South Africa into so much turmoil that it never got around to its main agenda. Among the guests is Elisa M...