Music Legends
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This edition features the thoughts and music of some of the world’s most talented legendary entertainers, including Eubie Blake, Chuck Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Lionel Hampton and Charles Brown. Guests: Eubie Blake, ...
Thank God: An Aframerican Docu-Opera — Part 1
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"The music of the black religious experience," contends Tony Brown, host of the televised "Journal" that bears his name, "is the primary root of all music born in the United States." (804)
The Sins of Our Fathers
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A discussion of the fear of reverse discrimination and the threat of the loss of affirmative action as related to cultural and racial relations, is examined. Guests: Art Fleming, Chairman, US Commission on Civil Right...
Thomas Jefferson’s Black and White DNA
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In January 2000, scientists and historians at Monticello announced the results of an independent study and concluded that Thomas Jefferson probably fathered at least one and, perhaps, more of his slave Sally Hemings’ ...
One Woman’s Solution to HIV/AIDS
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Approximately 8,500 people die daily from AIDS and no medical or technological magic bullet is on the horizon. Dr. Loretta Sweet Jemmott, co-director of the Center for Health Disparities Research at the University of...
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Thomas Williams is a journalist and graduate student at NYU discusses how African-American culture as a whole must effectively disentangled itself from the python-grip of hip-hop, and by extension of the street, and u...