Inside the Klan
2.11K Views0 Likes
A quintessential picture of bigotry. Tony Brown interviews Stetson Kennedy who successfully infiltrated and exposed the Ku Klux Klan in his books on this terrorist movement in the United States. (1313)
Events That Changed America
2.13K Views0 Likes
African Americans have historically been on the fringes of society, but they have wrought major changes in this country. This program examines two phenomena that have shaped the course of American history. One was roo...
When The Sisters Came Marching Home
3.45K Views2 Likes
The 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion was the only African-American WAC unit to serve overseas in WWII. This unit was responsible for redirecting the mail to the GI's on the battlefield, a Sisyphean feat, cons...
Black Revolt In The 80s
2.77K Views2 Likes
A filmic review of a turbulent decade of Black revolt. (413)
A Death Sentence
2.37K Views0 Likes
False positives. HIV and AIDS. Guests: Nina Ostrum and Celia Farber (1805)
Michael Jackson: Behind The Mask
3.50K Views1 Likes
Numerous books have been written about pop star Michael Jackson. However, the book “Michael Jackson: The Man Behind the Mask” is significant because it was written by Jackson insider Bob Jones. Jones was Jackson’s pub...
America’s Future Speaks Out — Part 1
2.30K Views0 Likes
Against the backdrop of an almost day-to-day occurrence of atrocities committed by youths, studies reveal that teenage pregnancy in the U.S. is at its lowest level in two decades. Another report revealed dru...
Mixing Civil Rights and Business Success
2.02K Views1 Likes
Apparel entrepreneur Don Polk turned a college business into a $100-million-a-year conglomerate. He shares one of his secrets to success, mixing business savvy with civic responsibility.(2625)