A $40 Million Slave
3.72K Views5 Likes
William C. Rhoden, New York Times’ sports columnist and author of “Forty Million Dollar Slaves,” discusses the evolution of exploitation in athletics. (3004)
My Gift To You On The 90th Anniversary of My Miracle
1.05K Views0 Likes
Tony Brown’s Journal, “the most complete and thoughtful record of African-American opinion,” is in the process of offering one of the most cutting-edge educational tools for streaming to educators, homeschoolers, stu...
A Multi-Ethnic State In Evolution
2.19K Views1 Likes
U. S. Representative Diane Watson serves the diverse 32nd Congressional District of California, where multiculturalism is a way of life. Does it work? Has California learned how various groups can live together with...
Women and CyberSpace
2.59K Views0 Likes
Women and the Internet. Guests: Daria Skeete, Annette Jones and Sandra Oei (1823)
Are Teachers Afraid To Challenge Blacks?
1.85K Views0 Likes
Why is the national average for Blacks graduating from high school so low (only 51 percent)? Dr. Gail Thompson, author and educator, shares her theory about the below average performance of some of today’s Black stu...
Is There A Link Between AIDS and CFS?
2.30K Views1 Likes
Guests: Neenyah Ostrom and Dr. Lonnie Fuller. (1407)
The Wife of Malcolm X
3.83K Views2 Likes
A very smart, very strong person openly expresses her anger and some insightful ideas about who killed her husband and why. (2717)
Blacks In White TV
2.58K Views1 Likes
Segment discusses the historic treatment of African Americans in commercial TV. Guest: Dr. Fred J. McDonald. (523)