Is Unconscious Racism as a Killer?
2.00K Views0 Likes
A new study by a Congressional research institute suggests that the race gap in medicine may be a serious issue because unconscious racism among doctors could be a cause of death among Blacks – even when their incomes...
What Did Farrakhan Say And When Did He Say It?
3.81K Views2 Likes
The media recently reported that Minister Louis Farrakhan admitted in a nationally televised interview that he might have been “complicit” through his words in the death of Malcolm X. Was that the first time Min. Far...
Illegal Immigration and Economic Facts
1.91K Views0 Likes
Dr. William Spriggs, Chair of the Department of Economics at Howard University discusses his paper entitled “Immigration and Equity: A Dialogue to Help Shape the Issues of this Important Challenge.” (2920)
Finishing The Century
1.92K Views2 Likes
This program examines the turbulent 1960s as the nation moves into the 21st Century. The events of that era are chronicled through archival footage and rare interviews with the leaders of that period. 2226
The GOP From an Insider Black
2.07K Views0 Likes
The Trent Lott affair has set off a firestorm of political introspection and soul searching in both major political parties. Robert A. George, a columnist for The New York Post and a Republican, defended the presence...
Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas: The Other Side
2.30K Views0 Likes
Guests: David Brock and Aisa McCullough (1804)
3.02K Views2 Likes
Since the beginning of the filming of "Malcolm X," the soon-to-be-released Warner Brothers' movie, controversy concerning the film director's treatment of the slain Black leader, as well as his promotion of the film, ...
Race: The Hidden Political Agenda
2.10K Views1 Likes
Black journalists are charging that the mainstream press is overlooking Black concerns in the presidential campaign while at the same time paying full attention to the Democratic platform of non-stop appeal to mostly ...