Is America Going Bankrupt?
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America's debt is over $4 trillion and the country continues to borrow billions of dollars each year. Industrialist Harry Figgie, Jr. and economist Gerald Swanson have concluded in their bestselling book, Bankruptcy ...
Do Boycotts Work?
2.18K Views1 Likes
This program was taped in West Palm Beach, Florida at the annual convention of the National Bar Association in 1993 because the organization moved the meeting from Miami to Boca Raton because of a Black-led boycott of...
Will the India Model Work for America’s Have-Nots?
1.90K Views0 Likes
There are organizations and academic institutions that are trying to close the Digital Divide between the have and the have-nots. Dr. Dolores Cross, president of Morris Brown College, and Michele Lezama, executive di...
Race: The Hidden Political Agenda
2.10K Views1 Likes
Black journalists are charging that the mainstream press is overlooking Black concerns in the presidential campaign while at the same time paying full attention to the Democratic platform of non-stop appeal to mostly ...
Can the Liberals Pull it Off?
1.97K Views0 Likes
Following the Los Angeles riots, national attention focused on the plight of urban areas. With the defeat of a conservative Republican administration, the question becomes: "Can the liberal White House, Congress an...
What Clinical Definitions Would You Give to President Clinton’s Behavior
1.87K Views0 Likes
As the nation ponders President Bill Clinton’s fate in the Monica Lewinsky scandal, many are asking the same question: Why? Why would a powerful and intelligent man risk engaging in illicit sexual behavior within the...