Is There Something Wrong With Today’s Youth?
3.01K Views1 Likes
Guests: Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu and Dr. Robert Phillips (1222)
Is Unconscious Racism as a Killer?
2.00K Views0 Likes
A new study by a Congressional research institute suggests that the race gap in medicine may be a serious issue because unconscious racism among doctors could be a cause of death among Blacks – even when their incomes...
Is Work A 4-Letter Word?
1.85K Views1 Likes
Work ethic and young people. Guests: Bruce Llewellyn, Madeline Hendricks, Curtis Hartman and Ruth S. Norman. (508)
Islam As An American Way Of Life — Part II
1.93K Views1 Likes
The Koran, the key to life of Muslims, and how to understand it are discussed by Imam W. Deen Mohammed, leader of the Muslim American Society, which has three million members.Guest: Imam W. Deen Mohammed(2428)
J Edgar Hoover: The Question That Wouldn’t Die
2.91K Views0 Likes
By America’s false social standard, one drop of “Black blood” makes you all Black. If so, was J. Edgar Hoover, the infamous director of the FBI, passing for White? California Black educator Millie McGhee, author of Se...
Jeffersons Black & White DNA
886 Views0 Likes
This edition of Tony Brown’s Journal features author Byron Woodson, Sr., discussing his findings in his book, A President In The Family, with host Tony Brown. The book is the most comprehensive account thus far tha...