A Lasting Partnership
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Bernard Kinsey and Shirley Pooler Kinsey discuss their lasting partnership. 1917
The New Black Leaders With An Accent
2.21K Views0 Likes
The increasing number of Blacks at the nation’s major universities may be Black, but they are also Black people who are immigrants from Africa, the West Indies and Latin America. The largest minority in America is His...
The Tuskegee Airmen – Pt. 3: Jim Crow’s Graveyard
2.47K Views1 Likes
The Tuskegee Airmen -- Part 3 – Jim Crow’s Graveyard. Shooting down #German airplanes, rather than effectively carrying out the assigned duties of close ground support and bomber escort, emerged as the criterion for ...
Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas: The Other Side
2.30K Views0 Likes
Guests: David Brock and Aisa McCullough (1804)
The Black Leaders Summit of 1972 and the 1998 Follow Up: Part II
2.39K Views5 Likes
An unprecedented gathering of the top Black leaders in 1972 appeared in a live 90-minute special. Among the guests: Charles Diggs, Dorothy Height, Vernon Jordan, Albert Cleage, Jr., Dick Gregory, and Elijah Muhammad (...
Was Jesus A Radical?
5.20K Views4 Likes
Dr. Obery Hendricks, Jr., a professor of Biblical Interpretation at the New York Theological Seminary, discusses his book, “The Politics of Jesus,” and provides a more radical interpretation of Jesus’ teachings. 292...