Patriot Aviators
2.55K Views0 Likes
They are the first line of defense, the protectors of our fleets and the rulers of the skies against all enemies. They are the pilots of America’s armed forces, highly skilled flyers who became the stars of war storie...
The Woman Who Fought Rap
2.55K Views1 Likes
(C. DeLores Tucker) This Black leader took on the roughest crowd in the neighborhood and told them what she thought of them while many mask their opinions or run from the subject. (2627)
Arthur Ashe’s Whistleblower
2.54K Views0 Likes
A journalist talks about Ashe’s youth and tennis. (2804)
We’re Number One
2.53K Views3 Likes
A profile of Black-owned radio station WBLS in New York City that is ranked number one in the country. Guest: Percy Sutton and Pierre Sutton. 404
Black Church: Friend or Foe
2.53K Views2 Likes
Guests: Stanton E. Perkins, author of Satan In The Pulpit and Rev. Ernest Gibson, Executive Director, Council of Churches of Greater Washington, DC (512)
A Talk with a Brilliant Mind
2.52K Views0 Likes
While soaring professionally, pioneering journalist and author Barbara Reynolds almost drowned in a private hell of the demons from her past -- abandonment by her mother, incest, longing for the children she did not b...
Do Black Feminist Writers Victimize Black Men?
2.52K Views2 Likes
How many feminists writers have crossed the line? (919)
The Views and Solutions of Minister Louis Farrakhan: Part II
2.52K Views2 Likes
Parts I & II This opinion leader of the Nation of Islam and a wide swath of non-Muslim Aframericans espouses the world views of his religious group and others it influences. (817)
75 Good Men & Women
2.52K Views1 Likes
Knoxville College, a historical Black college in Knoxville, Tennessee, survived an almost fatal blow with the help of two talented and dedicated Black women who decided that they were not going to let it fail. Knoxvi...