Blacks Divided
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Dr. Carol Swain, a professor of Political Science and Law at Vanderbilt University and author of Debating Immigration, will explore the nuances of contemporary immigration and citizenship affecting the U. S. (3017)
Character vs. Race — Part 1
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Hampton University is one of the nation’s most prestigious historical Black universities. In 1999, it was cited as one of the top regional universities in the South. At the beginning of Hampton University’s 131st ac...
Songs For The Spirit — Part 2
2.66K Views0 Likes
Part I & II The popularity of nihilistic and satanic rock music has been blamed for the rise of violence among American youth. The influence of music in American culture is immeasurable. One case in point is th...
Thomas Jefferson’s Black and White DNA
2.14K Views0 Likes
In January 2000, scientists and historians at Monticello announced the results of an independent study and concluded that Thomas Jefferson probably fathered at least one and, perhaps, more of his slave Sally Hemings’ ...
AIDS Research Kills Scientists
2.46K Views1 Likes
Guest: Roulette William Smith, Ph.D, author of Commonsense and AIDS (1923)
America’s New Immigration Policy
1.93K Views0 Likes
Before the terrorist acts of September 11th, America’s immigration policy was primarily focused on keeping out illegal immigrants from Mexico. The arguments for and against immigration have given way to the question...
Black Contract with America
2.80K Views0 Likes
Why are an increasing number of leaders in the Black church moving toward what they call the New Black Church? Bishop Harry R. Jackson, Jr., senior pastor of the Hope Christian Church in College Park, Maryland and fo...
The Secret Of A Lifetime
2.05K Views3 Likes
June Cross is a tenured professor of journalism at Columbia University and author of Secret Daughter: A Mixed Race Daughter and the Mother Who Gave Her Away. She unfolds the painful but challenging story of having a ...