Cancer Diagnosis: What Do We Do?
2.25K Views0 Likes
Burton Goldberg, publisher of Cancer Diagnosis: What to Do Next and the Definitive Guide to Cancer, recently testified before the Congressional Committee on Cancer Care for the New Millennium. He joins Dr. Robert Atk...
What Did Farrakhan Say And When Did He Say It?
3.81K Views2 Likes
The media recently reported that Minister Louis Farrakhan admitted in a nationally televised interview that he might have been “complicit” through his words in the death of Malcolm X. Was that the first time Min. Far...
Pesticides & Cancer
2.38K Views0 Likes
What were the effects of the spraying of the pesticide malathion in New York City in August 1999? This program examines the Environmental Protection Agency’s report on the use of this pesticide and the continuing deb...
Is Cleanliness Next To Good Health?
2.38K Views0 Likes
Scientist Ken Seaton believes that statistics showing an increase in the disparities between the health of the affluent and the poor, such as life expectancy, cancer and diabetes, are due largely to hygiene. He says ...
Statue of Liberty
2.35K Views2 Likes
Dr. James Haskins, Professor, University of Florida discuss origins of the Statue of Liberty. (927)
CyberSpace A New Language
2.25K Views0 Likes
Guest: Dr. Georgia Falu, President, Universal Business & Media School (1902)
White Riot
2.10K Views0 Likes
Guests: Robert Brown, Esq., Mayor, Orange, NJ and Abraham Foxman, National Director Anti-Defamation League (1826)
White Man’s Burden
2.80K Views1 Likes
Harry Belafonte talks about the movie he starred in with John Travolta
Selenium & Vitamin E in Prostate Cancer Treatment
2.46K Views0 Likes
The National Institutes of Health and a network of researchers have launched the largest prostate cancer prevention study ever to determine whether dietary supplements – Selenium and Vitamin E – can protect against pr...