Race Preference or Race Help?
1.92K Views2 Likes
Whether justly deserved or not, Ward Connerly has been heavily criticized in the Black community and in some instances branded an Uncle Tom. His views on affirmative action draw the greatest ire from his detractors wh...
Does Culture Trump Race?
2.12K Views0 Likes
According to scientific studies, all humans are 99.9 percent genetically identical. However, the Atlantic slave trade was based on skin color, which scientists say is determined by only six of 40,000 genes or just on...
Is The Black Vote For Sale?
1.72K Views0 Likes
Rev. Buster Soaries, Pastor of the the First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens in NJ and John Fund, editorial page writer with The Wall Street Journal discuss allegations of buying Black votes. 1634
The Evolution of Sammy Davis, Jr.
2.10K Views2 Likes
It's 1983 and Sammy Davis reflects on his television interview with me in 1971. Sammy Davis says, "I’ve survived where other cats would have been down the tubes. A lot of people don’t like themselves. I’ve stopped t...
One-On-One with Lester Thurow — Pt. 2
1.67K Views0 Likes
In Part II of this two-part series on "Making America Work For U. S.," Dr. Thurow charts his step by step process to eliminate the nation's multi-billion dollar deficit. One of the highlights of his proposal calls ...
One-On-One with Lester Thurow Pt.1
1.70K Views0 Likes
In a series of specials on "Making America Work For U. S.," host Tony Brown interviews MIT dean and professor Dr. Lester Thurow, author of Head To Head: The Coming Economic Battle. In his newest book, Dr. Thurow give...
A Star Controversy
2.01K Views1 Likes
In the 1970s, Star Parker was a delinquent teenager, mixed up with crime and drugs. Life on county aid was far from impoverished - she was able to lounge in her own Jacuzzi, party at Venice Beach, bring in extra inco...
Honor At Last
2.29K Views0 Likes
Tony Brown discusses Black War Veterans finally receive Medals of Honor (1997). Guests: Retired Army Captain Jehu Hunter, President, 92nd Div WWII Assn; and Harry Brown, Master Sgt, 92nd Division. 2002
An A-1 Threat
1.79K Views0 Likes
Tony Brown and guests discuss Angela Thompson and NY State A-1 Felony Laws. Guests: Emily Antley, Angela Thompson Supporter; Jeffery Jones, President, Help 4U Services, Group; and Jerome Marks, Retired NY Supreme ...
Hunting The Virus Hunter – Pt. 1
2.39K Views0 Likes
Dr. Peter Duesberg (renowned virologist) and Elinor Burkett (Miami Herald, reporter) discuss HIV, AIDS and AZT. 1410