Category: Health/Nutrition
Which is Worse: Mosquitoes Or Nerve Poison?
1.79K Views0 Likes
This program examines the turbulent 1960s as the nation moves into the 21st Century. The events of that era are chronicled through archival footage and rare interviews with the leaders of that period. (2219)
Does The AIDS Virus Cause AIDS?
2.43K Views0 Likes
Forty of the world's top physicians and biologists have formed a committee to re-access the role of the HIV virus and AIDS. Increasingly, the assertion that HIV infection leads to AIDS is being challenged. One challen...
Pesticides & Cancer
2.39K Views0 Likes
What were the effects of the spraying of the pesticide malathion in New York City in August 1999? This program examines the Environmental Protection Agency’s report on the use of this pesticide and the continuing deb...
AIDS: Natural Therapies
1.94K Views0 Likes
A 1990s Centers For Disease Control study found that after many years, 45% of those with HIV infection had no “AIDS” symptoms. As the effectiveness and safety of AZT and other chemical therapies are challenged, more ...
Food For Thought
2.07K Views2 Likes
The relationship of nutrition and health. Guest: Nutritionists, Kathleen Carpenter, Editor newsletter “Environmental Nutrition,” Mary Ann Webb and Maria Burgos. (104)
A Message to Arthur Ashe and Magic Johnson
4.36K Views0 Likes
The lives of two of America’s most famous athletes, Arthur Ashe and Magic Johnson, are now being threatened by one of the deadliest diseases ever known. Can they be successfully treated for what is currently being ca...