Category: Health/Nutrition
Black Women: The New Face of AIDS
3.32K Views0 Likes
On this edition Tony Brown and his guest, Dr. Mohammad Akhter, discuss the rise in HIV & AIDS cases among Black women. 2806
Is Unconscious Racism as a Killer?
1.94K Views0 Likes
A new study by a Congressional research institute suggests that the race gap in medicine may be a serious issue because unconscious racism among doctors could be a cause of death among Blacks – even when their incomes...
Hysterical Environmental Terrorists or Good Citizens?
1.79K Views0 Likes
Former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani of New York City named the critics of his spraying of Malathion, a nerve poison pesticide, on the populace of New York “hysterical environmental terrorists.” Or are they the only respons...
Pain or Puncture?
1.85K Views0 Likes
Black scientist studies acupuncture: A filmic examination of the research into acupuncture at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden and China by some of the world's greatest authorities. Guest: Dr. Allan S. Counter (311)
Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide
2.42K Views0 Likes
Is our society suffering a health holocaust? Can nature help fight many diseases? Guest: Burton Goldberg, Publisher, Alternative Medicine
Which is Worse: Mosquitoes Or Nerve Poison?
1.73K Views0 Likes
This program examines the turbulent 1960s as the nation moves into the 21st Century. The events of that era are chronicled through archival footage and rare interviews with the leaders of that period. (2219)
Another Version of the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
2.04K Views0 Likes
Washington Post headline: “Miss Evers’ Misses The Mark On Tuskegee Tragedy.” That statement of admonishment for the 2001 HBO film about the story of the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment is an understatement. “The experime...