Is Cultural Diversity A Good Idea?
2.34K Views2 Likes
Guest discuss cultural diversity on college campuses and in corporate America. Guests: Dr. John Lombardi, President Univ. of Florida; Dr. Robert Albright, President, Johnson C Smith University and Dr. James L. Watten...
Visions and Images of the Struggles of Old
2.40K Views2 Likes
Issues, events and personalities that shaped the African-American community and the nation. 1401
Reflections of MLK
2.12K Views1 Likes
This program highlights Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s contributions through archival footage and interviews with some of his closest associates. 2301
Finishing The Century
1.92K Views2 Likes
This program examines the turbulent 1960s as the nation moves into the 21st Century. The events of that era are chronicled through archival footage and rare interviews with the leaders of that period. 2226
Race Wars
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Thomas Chittum, a former soldier of fortune, Vietnam veteran and author of “Civil War II: The Coming Breakup of America.” According to Chittum, America’s non-WASP populations are responsible for turning America into a...
The Crash of ’98
2.16K Views0 Likes
In 1997 Tony Brown and Stephen Leeb, Ph.D, editor of Personal Finance discuss the possibility of a stock market crash of epic proportions. 2019
Your Money With A Twist
1.96K Views0 Likes
Women with clout in the world of finance. Guests: Brooke Stephens, author of "Talking Dollars and Making Sense and Suze Orman, author of "9 Steps To Financial Freedom"
Are Black/Jewish Relations As Bad As We Thought?
1.79K Views2 Likes
Rabbi Marc Schneier discusses a report from The Foundation for Ethnic Understanding on Black/Jewish relations in the United States as it relates to (1) Cooperation; (2) Conflict; and (3) Human Interest. 2005
A Multi-Ethnic State In Evolution
2.26K Views1 Likes
U. S. Representative Diane Watson serves the diverse 32nd Congressional District of California, where multiculturalism is a way of life. Does it work? Has California learned how various groups can live together with...
Censuring America’s Top Black Leader
2.06K Views1 Likes
Controversy erupted on the pages of the New York Village Voice when it published a letter from civil rights activist Rev. Dr. Wyatt Tee Walker, pastor of Canaan Baptist Church of Christ in Harlem. In an exclusive int...