Walk To Freedom
987 Views0 Likes
June 23, 1963, in Detroit’s Cobo Hall, I intensely listened to Martin Luther King, Jr. deliver his famous “I Have A Dream” speech, for what many historians claim was the first time. Dr. King was in Detroit for the “...
Black and White Music: The Melting Pot Music
5.61K Views2 Likes
A look at some of the differences between Black and White music. Performances by Santana, George Duke and Billy Joel. Guests: Harold Wheeler, composer, arranger and conductor. Wheeler’s arrangements include such hit...
Where Was Rock N Roll 35 Years Ago
4.76K Views2 Likes
Many people and many styles of music influenced Rock and Roll. The styles included Blues, Jazz, Gospel, Bluegrass, Boogie-Woogie, and Rockabilly. Each was a major factor into the introduction of a new style of music c...
The Promise Keepers
6.04K Views2 Likes
What’s wrong with the American family? Some point the finger at men. The Million Man March was widely recognized as a pronouncement of unity, commitment and responsibility among African-American males. The Promise Kee...
The Threat To The Andes
3.18K Views0 Likes
Lead poisoning, one of the single greatest hazards to children around the world, can cause brain and nerve damage, learning disabilities, growth retardation and other neurological problems. It is especially prevalent...
Is The IRS Out Of Control?
3.99K Views1 Likes
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is one of the most powerful agencies in the United States. It has brought down business moguls, political leaders and as everyone knows – Al Capone. Now, it seems to be after the sim...
The Black Valentino
4.03K Views1 Likes
The roaring 20s gave birth to the Charleston, bob-haircuts, speakeasies and the movie career of Lorenzo Tucker – The Black Valentino – of race movies. But unlike Valentino, he was one of the few silent film stars Blac...
The Debt Bomb
3.71K Views2 Likes
In 1998 "The Debt Bomb and Savings Pool," was authored by Thomas McAuliffe and it explained how “debt is driving all that’s going wrong with this nation.” The former banker and economist says that America is dangerous...
Y2K Survival
2.69K Views0 Likes
This program discusses the year 2000 Y2K issue with guests Ed Meagher, host of "Y2K Today" and Tony Keyes, author of "The Year 2000 Computer Crisis." 2209