The Mystery of Black Survival in Sports
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Educators Dana Brooks and Ron Althouse, editors of “Racism in College Sports,” provide a scholarly approach to the issue of racism in college athletics.(2810)
A $40 Million Slave
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William C. Rhoden, New York Times’ sports columnist and author of “Forty Million Dollar Slaves,” discusses the evolution of exploitation in athletics. (3004)
The Black Leadership Struggle
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Is the Black community witnessing a changing of the guard among its top leadership? The New York Times magazine reported Rev. Al Sharpton as saying that Jesse Jackson’s star has fallen in the Black community, and he ...
Can the US Commission on Civil Rights do its Job as the Nation’s Conscious?
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The new chairman of the U. S. Commission on Civil Rights, Gerald Reynolds, discusses the future of the agency and addresses charges that the commission has outlived its usefulness.(2813)
Black Contract with America
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Why are an increasing number of leaders in the Black church moving toward what they call the New Black Church? Bishop Harry R. Jackson, Jr., senior pastor of the Hope Christian Church in College Park, Maryland and fo...