Western Roots
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OK, you history buffs, get out pen and paper and let’s take a history quiz. (1) What state was proposed in 1890 as the state for Blacks and Indians with a Black governor? (2) The intermarriage between Blacks and India...
Threats to Black Youth
2.81K Views1 Likes
Dr. John Palmer, executive director of Harlem Hospital Center, comments on why the death rate is 50 percent higher among Black infants in Harlem than other areas of New York City. John Daniel, Vice President of Girls...
Will The Black Vote Help the GOP?
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What is the Republican strategy to win the Black vote in the 2004 presidential election? The Black vote is the Democratic Party’s most reliable voting bloc, but will young Blacks change that reality? Lynette Clemets...
The Conference that Never Happened
2.59K Views2 Likes
The rhetoric of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict engulfed the U.N. World Conference Against Racism in Durban, South Africa into so much turmoil that it never got around to its main agenda. Among the guests is Elisa M...
Slavery Reparations: Racism or Justice?
3.01K Views1 Likes
The controversy surrounding America paying reparations to African-Americans reached a new level when a lawsuit was filed demanding billions of dollars from several corporations that may be linked to slavery before 186...