Events that Changed America: Roots and Revolution
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African Americans have historically been on the fringes of society, but they have wrought major changes in this country. This program examines two phenomena that have shaped the course of American history. One was r...
AIDS Counterpoint
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On a previous Tony Brown's Journal program, Dr. Nathaniel Lehrman and Mr. John Lauritsen discussed a link between AIDS and drug usage, especially crack cocaine, and both condemned the usage of toxic chemicals, such a...
AIDS without HIV
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On this program, Dr. Harvey Bialy, editor of the newsletter for The Group for the Scientific Reappraisal of HIV/AIDS Hypothesis, talks about the changing definition of AIDS and why hundreds of the world's top scientis...
AIDS and Health
3.40K Views1 Likes
As new reports of patients who were HIV positive but who never developed AIDS continue to show up in medical journals, the validity of the official government's position that the human immunodefiency virus is the prec...
Does The AIDS Virus Cause AIDS?
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Forty of the world's top physicians and biologists have formed a committee to re-access the role of the HIV virus and AIDS. Increasingly, the assertion that HIV infection leads to AIDS is being challenged. One challen...
Is There A Link Between AIDS and CFS?
2.37K Views1 Likes
Guests: Neenyah Ostrom and Dr. Lonnie Fuller. (1407)
Has the Medical Establishment Failed Us?
2.02K Views0 Likes
Guests: Dr. William O’Conner, author of AIDS: The Alarming Reality & Gus Sermos, a former public health adviser from the Atlanta CDC. (1216)
The First AIDS Whistle-Blower
3.19K Views1 Likes
Dr. Robert Strecker, producer of "The Strecker Memorandum," alleges that the AIDS virus is man-made. On this program, Dr. Strecker contends that the disease will annihilate the African population in several decades. ...