George Kirby Presents King Heroin
6.62K Views1 Likes
In a dramatic performance, the Funny-man and impressionist lays it on the line about the dangers of drugs and his life in prison for drug abuse. The man of many faces and matchless talent performs “King Heroin” as onl...
Who Killed Malcolm X?
6.55K Views1 Likes
Part one of this special series in 1993 on Malcolm X digs deep into the series' archives to retrace 25-years of investigative reporting. Through interviews, rare footage of the slain leader and readings of actual cour...
I Didn’t Kill Malcolm X
6.49K Views2 Likes
Tony Brown interviews Talmadge Hayer, the man who, along with Norman Butler and Thomas Johnson, was convicted of assassinating Malcolm X. Hayer asserts that other individuals were involved in the killing and that Butl...
Dr. Wyatt Walker & The Music Tree
6.30K Views4 Likes
Parts I & II. The revered Dr. Wyatt Tee Walker, aide to MLK and university scholar, musically demonstrates with a 100-member choir how Black Americans wrote their true history in musical notes and explains how Bl...
Slavery’s Biggest Secret
6.29K Views2 Likes
New England journalist and co-author of Complicity Anne Farrow exposes how the North rewrote the history of U. S. slavery to blame the South and hide its insidious role in the perpetuation of slavery. Was the first co...
Southern Slavery, Northern Lies
6.12K Views1 Likes
The second installation of modern New England journalists who exposed the North’s hidden history as a slave region. They also address king cotton and the legal and illegal slave trade. Journalist and co-author of Comp...
Black College Day
6.09K Views1 Likes
Black College Day, 1980 -- a march and rally held in Washington, D.C. -- is the focus of this program. Issues addressed include the impact of integration on Black colleges and the need for increased public support for...
The Promise Keepers
6.03K Views2 Likes
What’s wrong with the American family? Some point the finger at men. The Million Man March was widely recognized as a pronouncement of unity, commitment and responsibility among African-American males. The Promise Kee...
Roots of Music — Part I
5.89K Views4 Likes
Revered Dr. Wyatt Tee Walker, aide to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and university scholar, musically demonstrates with a 100-member choir how Black Americans wrote their true history in musical notes and explains how ...
Malcolm & Elijah (Denzel Washington)
5.82K Views3 Likes
This performance on Tony Brown’s Journal as Malcolm X (the physical resemblance is stunning) marked the young Denzel Washington’s first appearance on national TV and his first performance before a national audience....