Events That Changed America
2.14K Views0 Likes
African Americans have historically been on the fringes of society, but they have wrought major changes in this country. This program examines two phenomena that have shaped the course of American history. One was roo...
Vitamins: Is The Issue Choice?
2.11K Views0 Likes
Vitamins: Is The Issue Choice? This program examines the debate regarding the Federal Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) new rule that any health claims regarding vitamin and mineral supplements must be backed up b...
“Who’s Saying Those Awful Things?”
2.43K Views3 Likes
Janks Morton sets out in his latest documentary, What Black Men Think, to expose stereotypes that have been perpetuated for many years within the African-American community. (3018)
Can Whites Raise Black Children?
2.02K Views2 Likes
Can Whites Raise Black Children? Discussions and opinions on the practice of Whites adopting Black children. Guests: Dr. Jay Chunn, Dean, School of Social Work, Howard University and President Of the National Assoc...
The White Kingdom of Fear
2.13K Views0 Likes
The White Kingdom of Fear – Report on Southern Africa. A discussion of the future of southern Africa and its impact on race relations in the U. S. (105)Guests: Ngqondi Masimini, Minister-at-Large for North, Central a...
Food For Thought
2.07K Views2 Likes
The relationship of nutrition and health. Guest: Nutritionists, Kathleen Carpenter, Editor newsletter “Environmental Nutrition,” Mary Ann Webb and Maria Burgos. (104)
Jimmy Carter: One Year Later
1.88K Views0 Likes
Did the Black vote for Jimmy Carter Pay Off? An evaluation of his first year in office.Guests: Ossie Davis, writer, actor, social observer; and Ben Brown, Chairman, Democratic National Committee. (103)
An American Wake-Up Call
2.21K Views0 Likes
Can the present middle class maintain its own indebtedness and remain competitive in a knowledge-worker labor force and sustain the American economy as the world’s leader? Guest James Carr, a senior vice president at ...