The First State to Apologize for Slavery
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As the first colony to own slaves, Virginia became the first state to apologize to African-Americans for slavery. Virginia State Sen. Henry L. Marsh III and Delegate Donald McEachin talk about this historical preceden...
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Economics in Harlem, USA. Guests: William Underwood, Carl Nesfield, Robert Clemons and George Subira. (511)
Slice of Americana
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This program takes a historical look at different aspects of the Black experience in America. One of the areas examined is the history of African-American pioneers.(2204)
History of Blacks In Radio
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The pages of radio history are turned back to examine the treatment of Blacks during radio's Golden Age. (319)
The Conference that Never Happened
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The rhetoric of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict engulfed the U.N. World Conference Against Racism in Durban, South Africa into so much turmoil that it never got around to its main agenda. Among the guests is Elisa M...
African American or Black, Is there a Difference?
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The ethnic description of Americans of African descent has shifted from colored to Negro to Black and, at the recent urging of Jessie Jackson, African-American. There are immigrants who feel that they should be inclu...
The Rap Against Rap
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Pernicious words like “nigger” have become standard gutter talk among a “gangsta” subculture of African-Americans who call themselves rap artists. One black writer, columnist and cartoonist for the Tacoma Tribune go...
How Do You Govern Yourself?
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Historically, there has been a link between Blacks in the Caribbean and the leadership of Black America that has its roots in the Caribbean. Grenada Prime Minister Keith Mitchell, chairman of the Organisation of Eas...
A King Holiday
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The legacy of civil rights activist Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. is indelibly etched in the fabric of American history. (507)