Category: Political Studies
Events That Changed America
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African Americans have historically been on the fringes of society, but they have wrought major changes in this country. This program examines two phenomena that have shaped the course of American history. One was roo...
Jimmy Carter: One Year Later
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Did the Black vote for Jimmy Carter Pay Off? An evaluation of his first year in office.Guests: Ossie Davis, writer, actor, social observer; and Ben Brown, Chairman, Democratic National Committee. (103)
Who Does Illegal Immigration Hurt?
2.16K Views1 Likes
Educator and immigration specialist Dr. Frank Morris examines the affect of immigrant policy on the African-American community and the position of the Black leadership on this issue. (3011)
Will The Black Vote Help the GOP?
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What is the Republican strategy to win the Black vote in the 2004 presidential election? The Black vote is the Democratic Party’s most reliable voting bloc, but will young Blacks change that reality? Lynette Clemets...
10 Years After the Rodney King Riots
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Business leader Bernard Kinsey, the former co-chair of Rebuild LA, discusses the impact of the Rodney King riots, where Los Angeles was then, where it is today, and why he believes that it is poised for a period of em...
Why The Congress of the Black Caucus Opposes President Bush
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The 39-member Congressional Black Caucus calls itself the “Conscience of the Congress.” Representative Elijah Cummings, who represents Maryland’s 7th district, serves as chair of the all-Democratic caucus. When he w...
The Black Code
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Entertainer and educator Bill Cosby created a firestorm of controversy when he publicly criticized poor Black Americans. Black leaders came out on both sides of the issue. On this program, Joe Madison, radio talk sh...
Black America, The Republicans are Coming
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President Bush’s victory in 2004 increased his percentage of Black voters by two percent, and pushed the Democrats in Congress even deeper in the minority. How are Black Democrats responding to Bush’s campaign to att...