Category: Political Studies
How To Profile The Bad Guys
2.14K Views1 Likes
Opinion polls show that most people publicly condemn racial profiling by police officers, but that many privately feel that underlying the practice is a national and effective police tactic. Since America’s heighten...
Thomas Jefferson’s Black and White DNA
2.11K Views0 Likes
In January 2000, scientists and historians at Monticello announced the results of an independent study and concluded that Thomas Jefferson probably fathered at least one and, perhaps, more of his slave Sally Hemings’ ...
The Brown & Desouza Face-Off
2.27K Views2 Likes
Tony Brown and Dinesh D'Souza, author of The end of racism, debate the issues of failure of leadership vs. cultural failure. Guest: Dinesh D'Souza, author of The end of racism. (1828)
Is America Ready For A Black President?
1.73K Views0 Likes
Early 1995 speculation on what subsequently happened in 2008. (1827)
A Nation Divided
2.06K Views0 Likes
This edition examines the causes and effects of the Rodney King verdict, the ensuing riots and America's underlying racial tensions. This round-table discussion also focuses on race relations between Blacks, Whites an...
A Stacked Deck
2.32K Views3 Likes
This edition takes a historical look at how Jim Crow and racism affected the economic growth of the Black community with Attorney Clint Bolick, Vice President and Director of Litigation at the Institute For Justice an...
Inside the Klan
2.07K Views0 Likes
A quintessential picture of bigotry. Tony Brown interviews Stetson Kennedy who successfully infiltrated and exposed the Ku Klux Klan in his books on this terrorist movement in the United States. (1313)
Jerry Falwell Talks About Racism
2.53K Views1 Likes
The evangelist discusses race and civil rights. (627)