Category: Martin Luther King
Dr. Martin Luther King
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Tony Brown’s Journal program #2702 is my essay on Martin Luther King, Jr. (TBJ #2702 – “Tony Brown’s Essay on Martin Luther King”) It’s a story of reality, truth, vision, courage and transformation on the one hand an...
Reflections of MLK
2.14K Views1 Likes
This program highlights Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s contributions through archival footage and interviews with some of his closest associates. 2301
A King Holiday
2.58K Views1 Likes
The legacy of civil rights activist Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. is indelibly etched in the fabric of American history. (507)
The MLK Dream You Can See
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The legacy of civil rights activist Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. is indelibly etched in the fabric of American history. Harry Johnson, president of the Washington, D.C. Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial Pro...
Tony Brown’s Essay on MLK
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Tony Brown was the coordinator of “the largest civil rights march in history” where the icon Martin Luther King, Jr., perhaps for the first time, delivered his famous “I Have A Dream” speech – in Detroit, Michigan on ...
Who Really Killed MLK?
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The legacy of civil rights activist Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. is indelibly etched in the fabric of American history. A Memphis jury threw out the lone-gunman theory in Martin Luther King, Jr.’s assassination and...
Did Carlos Kill MLK? – Part 2
2.21K Views0 Likes
The legacy of civil rights activist Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. is indelibly etched in the fabric of American history. Part I & II. Was the mysterious “Carlos” the assassin of Martin Luther King, Jr? (2007)
Did Carlos Kill MLK? – Part 1
2.23K Views0 Likes
The legacy of civil rights activist Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. is indelibly etched in the fabric of American history. Part I & II - Was the mysterious “Carlos” the assassin of Martin Luther King, Jr? (2006)