Category: Cultural Studies
The BlackPoor
2.38K Views0 Likes
As founder and president of the National Center for Neighborhood Enterprise, Robert Woodson is considered by some to be the godfather of the movement to empower neighborhood-based organizations. Woodson discusses th...
Lost and Found
2.01K Views0 Likes
Black scientist explores primitive culture. A plant, used as far back as the 1700s to induce abortions among salves in Surinam, South America, is being researched at the Nobel Institute by a Black neuro-biologist from...
Busing: For What?
1.97K Views0 Likes
Over the years racial conflict between the races has heightened over the issue of busing for school desegregation. Across the country there is resentment and questioning among both Blacks and Whites. Guests: Art Flemi...
Is There A Plan To Get Rid Of Blacks?
5.19K Views1 Likes
A 1992 TIME/CNN poll found that 73% of the people surveyed believe there was a conspiracy to kill President John F. Kennedy. In another poll, ABC-TV news investigated whether White America has a plan to get rid of Bla...
Date Rape
2.87K Views0 Likes
The Mike Tyson-Desiree Washington rape trial focused national attention on the crime of date rape. This edition examines date rape and why a large number of Black women believe that Mike Tyson was the victim. (1510)
Events that Changed America: Roots and Revolution
2.65K Views0 Likes
African Americans have historically been on the fringes of society, but they have wrought major changes in this country. This program examines two phenomena that have shaped the course of American history. One was r...
Threats to Black Youth
2.82K Views1 Likes
Dr. John Palmer, executive director of Harlem Hospital Center, comments on why the death rate is 50 percent higher among Black infants in Harlem than other areas of New York City. John Daniel, Vice President of Girls...
The Conference that Never Happened
2.59K Views2 Likes
The rhetoric of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict engulfed the U.N. World Conference Against Racism in Durban, South Africa into so much turmoil that it never got around to its main agenda. Among the guests is Elisa M...