Guarding Our Past, Freeing Our Future

October 14th, 2016 in Posted in:

Let do the teaching with 1,000 streamed videos in your home, your office or on your mobile device for a true Black history education. For more information, click here: Our universal pursuit of a path out of the dark desperation humanity suffers from must start with a knowledge of past truths.  The knowledge…

Black Civilization Is The Mother of ALL Mankind

October 7th, 2016 in Posted in:

This is the story of the great diaspora of anatomically modern humans in the late Ice Age. It also discusses the controversies surrounding modern human origins. Did we evolve in Africa or simultaneously in many parts of the Old World? Factual, non-religious, historical history concludes that Alkebulan, the continent now called Africa, is the most…

More Blacks Are Putting Blacks First

September 30th, 2016 in Posted in:

Without 90% Of The Black Vote, Democrats May Be Toast by Tony Brown “With just six weeks to go until Election Day, younger voters are shunning the two major political parties on a scale not seen since Ross Perot’s third-party bid for the presidency in 1992, a striking swing in public opinion that is slicing into Hillary…

We Will See Things More Clearly On Sept. 22, 2016 — Put Yourself First

September 22nd, 2016 in Posted in:

Blacks can only get a good deal from the White House if they make the best deal with the right President.  And the right President is the President who eagerly accepts Black self-empowerment, as well as Black votes.   Home Schooling Black History Let do the teaching with 1,000 streamed videos in your home, your…

What Did Black America Get When I Made A Deal With Ronald Reagan In 1981? $134,400,000

September 3rd, 2016 in Posted in:

  Home Schooling Black History. Let do the teaching with 1,000 streamed videos in your home, your office or on your mobile device for a true Black history education. For more information, click here: Tony Brown Professional Background Click TonyBrownsJournal Facebook Page Could Reach 20 Million New Viewers, If Needed. That’s why I am not concerned…

Donald Trump Wants A Deal With Black America. Here’s One He Can’t Refuse.

August 19th, 2016 in Posted in:

At last week, the “Female Olympic Athletes Lift Image Of All Women As Leaders” (August 12 — August 15) video blog essay reached 1,190,705 more people than during the same period the previous week. After adding audience shares, likes and comments, the total audience reach for the “Female Olympic Athletes Lift Image Of All…

Female Olympic Athletes Lift Image Of All Women As Leaders

August 12th, 2016 in Posted in:

Black Women Lead U. S. Olympic Team Victory Why Won’t U. S. Government Use Black Economic Power To Win International Struggle The Way The U. S. Unleashed The Power OF Black Women To Dominate the 2016 Olympics?  Tony Brown GETS TOP HONOR FROM PREMIER BLACK JOURNALISTS Click Let do the teaching with streamed videos in your…


August 3rd, 2016 in Posted in:

I was born Black and not into the middle class, but I was never taught that I was poor; I never lived with my father, but I was never taught that that made me any less of a man. I went to all-Black schools in a segregated system, but I never learned that we were…

Take Back Your Mind

July 22nd, 2016 in Posted in:

Q: Why did White slavers in the United States kill African slaves if they caught them trying to learn to read? A: The slave owners had learned that if a Black learned to read, he or she might read a book about the true history of his ancestors who had invented mathematics and science and…

Blacks Need To Think Outside Of The Box — Politically and Economically

July 6th, 2016 in Posted in:

Inspire Yourdream: “I was listening to the video and when it finished, I had to look to see who posted this. Thank you, Tony Brown.” Dwayne Carter: “Thanks for sharing the truth.” Stewart Isles: “Was a great program, actually ahead of its time. It should be shown again, now.” James Garvin: “Good stuff.” You can share all…