TBJ SHOW #829 – PART II: “THE MUSIC TREE:” Rev. Dr. Wyatt Tee Walker, aide to Martin Luther King, Jr., and university scholar, musically demonstrates with a 100-member choir how Black Americans wrote their true history in musical notes and explains how Black music made American music.
The music of the Black religious experience is the primary root of all music born in the United States. The Revered Dr. Wyatt Tee Walker, aide to MLK and university scholar, musically demonstrates with a 100-member choir, on Tony Brown’s Journal show #827 & 829 (The Roots of Music and The Music Tree), how Black Americans wrote their true history in musical notes and explains how Black music made American music.
Black sacred music began, grew, developed and expanded in the “invisible church” of the antebellum slave society. This disclaimer is crucial in understanding that those of the slave community came by the influence of hymns while they were developing their own music. The slaves’ use and development of the Spiritual Form provided the New World Africans’ unique imprint on the Meter Music that came to ascendance in the latter days of slavery.
In Somebody’s Calling My Name, Dr. Wyatt Tee Walker has met a long-standing need by making available the history of Black people in America in terms of their music. Others have suggested this relationship, but memory does not recall anyone who has presented the music of American Black people as a clue to their history, or vice versa, with the thoroughness that marks Somebody’s Calling My Name.
Dr. Wyatt Tee Walker was the Senior Minister of the Canaan Baptist Church in Harlem, NY. He was a double graduate from Virginia Union (B. S., 1950, M. Div., 1953) and he earned a doctorate (D. Min.) in Black Studies from Colgate Rochester Divinity School. For ten years, Dr. Walker was the Urban Affairs Specialist for Nelson Rockefeller.
AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY MATTERS. The Emmy-nominated, award-winning television series Tony Brown’s Journal (TBJ), with its nearly 1,000 titles is Internet-ready as content because it still has “the right stuff.” Participants will have 24-7 streamed access to the entire collection of iconoclastic video and film titles.
The hard-hitting TBJ documentary and talk TV series is authentically, as a leading archivist described it, “The Most Complete And Thoughtful Record Of African-American Opinion.” These missing pages of history attracted people of goodwill and an upwardly mobile, diverse audience -- “a spritely cross-section of Whites and Blacks who are very much at home with Tony Brown’s Journal” – as both astute guests and discerning viewers.
With this almost universal acceptance by the national media and with a loyal and racially diverse demographic, circa 1968-2008, the TBJ collection is also poised to succeed as online streamed content with even greater impact – because “there’s nothing new under the Sun” and the issues explored on TBJ video titles are just as relevant today and are still shared by an organic and sizeable (millions) demographic bloc of viewers worldwide.
This psychographic and sociographic attraction for the TBJ brand is the result of an uncanny, innate human interconnectedness, Tony Brown believes.
Dear Friends of Tony Brown, Become a part of a much-needed drive to get enough non-violent, peace-loving people to work together to enable the U. S. to put its Best Foot Forward -- TOGETHER as a team of winners. This is a call to All People Of Goodwill to join together in a unified effort to Save Our Country! Click here (www.TonyBrownsJournal.com/Best-Foot-Forward). Remain strong and intact. In the name of our ancestors, May Our Maker Preserve Our Souls! Sincerely, Tony Brown
Get in line now to Get Tony Brown’s Upcoming Book, “Walking Between The Raindrops,” and get my formula that you can duplicate and with which you can grow your own social media nest egg to the degree that you are able to achieve both financial stability and join the next era of social media giants.
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Historically, TONY BROWN IS also …
- Coordinator of the “Walk To Freedom with Martin Luther King, Jr.” in Detroit (1963), according to the July 29, 1963 edition of Business Week magazine, “the largest civil rights march in history."
- WINNER of the prestigious Silver Circle Award from the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences
- Dean Emeritus and Professor, Scripps Howard School of Journalism and Communications, Hampton University
- First and Founding Dean and Professor, School of Communications, Howard University
- Founder, BLACK COLLEGE DAY, 1980
- 2015-2016 National Association of Black Journalists Hall of Fame Inductee
- Black Emmy Nominee – 1989 Special Recognition Award Winner
- Distinguished Visiting Professor, Honorary Degree – American University, Paris, France
- Distinguished Visiting Professor, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA
- Talker’s, Radio Trade Magazine: Selected as “One Of The 100 Most Important Radio Talk Show Hosts In America”
- "Tony Brown Chicago,” WLS-AM Radio (Chicago)
- “Tony Brown,” WLIB-AM Radio (New York)
- “Tony Brown at Daybreak,” WRC-TV (Washington, DC)
- “Tony Brown’s Journal”/“Black Journal” (TV series: 1968-2008): “The Most Complete and Thoughtful Record of AFRICAN-AMERICAN OPINION.”
- U. S. Army 272 field artillery (s-1 Intelligence) battalion AND cadre (1953-1955), Honorable discharge, 1955. Neu-Ülm, GERMANY (DR. ALBERT EINSTEIN’S BIRTHPLACE).
- Great Events In African-American History
- Tony Brown Donates $100,000 to Hampton University Scholarship Fund and sows the seeds of success for future journalists www.TonyBrownsJournal.com/blog/Tony-Brown-Donates-100k
- Tony Brown with Hampton University Journalism Students Make History At The New York Times Harvard, Columbia, Syracuse Place Second In Competition www.TonyBrownsJournal.com/blog/Tony-Brown-With-HU-Makes-History