I am a child of the Creator of us all and a part of the ALL, the ultimate force that represents the intelligence of everything that exists as the composite force in the universe.
Our ancestors in ancient Egypt who were often Ancient Masters of specialized spiritual wisdom, very unlike the religious nut jobs of both past and present, passed down our history as a universal human race. Unfortunately, today’s race religions of militant fanaticism that have engulfed the Middle East and are infecting much of the gullible West today will not get you through the front doors of any higher plane of consciousness because of their complete omission of the steps necessary for the requirements of the spiritual development of humanity.
Therefore, while I am stuck on this lower plane of consciousness and I am ruled by the tribal-mindedness of its population, I must adapt and overcome these man-made shortcomings, such as a faith in mythical races that never existed in the first place.
In order to do so I must first be equipped by society with the necessary freedoms and belief in human rights. Therefore, I require privacy, liberty, justice and freedom of expression because, without them, I cannot advance the spiritual development that is required. The framers of the American Constitution, largely advanced Freemasons who had studied Ancient Egyptian/African history, understood this broader concept of
humanity. And just look at the US dollar and the symbols the West has adopted from African origins and you will see a prediction of America’s future. In fact, this is Africa’s Gift to the world.
I was so impressed by that ideal that when I became financially stable and started a freedom currency of my own to encourage Blacks to circulate a larger percentage of their enormous wealth within in their own communities (currently Blacks share only about 4% of their gross income with one another), I used a picture on my Freedom Dollar of The Great Sphinx of Ghizeh to communicate what freedom meant to me and to give that ideal its true color: “The only color of freedom is green.”
The Sphinx is a favorite of mine and this symbol of human civilization has a personal meaning for me because in my college life I was exposed to higher thinking in the all-Black Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. That is when I became a Sphinx man, and subsequently an Alpha man (of Light). However, at that time, I was too young and too immature to “realize” or intellectually absorb the true depths or meaning of the lessons that my “7 Jewels” had left for me as a road map to earthly and spiritual elevation. They can be roughly summarized as, “Manly deeds, scholarship and love for all mankind.”
Finally, being closer to the age of 100 now than I am to the age of 50, I now “realize” the inner meaning of a Sphinx: I AM, as are all other human beings who are descended from our common Creator – of African ancestry. I am Black – made in the image of the ALL, a Sphinx man.
The Sphinx is a sacred symbol and if you look deep enough, you will find your true Self. Get my FREE history/learning catalog and become your true Self for a change.
In short, the Egyptian Horus taught of a symbolic rebirth in heaven. The Ancient Egyptians largely believed their ancestors were responsible for Paradise, similar to the primary “Paradise of Earth,” the original Earthly Paradise of the Christian Bible, situated in the papyrus field of reeds in the South of Egypt. There was also, according to this legend, the Heavenly Paradise (Horus, et. al.), which is represented today as Lion, Ox, Eagle and Man, which is, you guessed it, the Sphinx. In the Christian doctrine they are St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke and St. John. These are all forms of mythological theology.
It is my opinion, as a university dean emeritus, that by subscribing to the Tony Brown’s Journal video and film collection you can have the equivalent knowledge-fund of a university Ph. D. degree in Black Affairs and history for only $5.95 per month. A FREE e-download of the Tony Brown’s Journal Video and Film Collection catalog will be available November 1, 2014 and thereafter at TonyBrownsJournal.com.
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