Even as the NBA is marketed as the premier sports for Blacks, this week saw more evidence that racism is inescapable in this country. The owner of the L.A. Clippers is facing scrutiny after an audio recording surfaced where he allegedly makes a flurry of disparaging remarks about Blacks, including revered L.A. Lakers legend Magic Johnson.
This weekend there was much speculation throughout the league about what would be an appropriate response from the team's players, including whether or not they should play to protest the remarks. But inevitably, on Sunday afternoon the players suited up for the game, before staging what some have called a "silent" protest by turning their warm-up suits inside out.
Even with the lavish salaries and public adoration, most NBA players still get their paychecks from men that look nothing like them. And at a systemic level, they still hold very little power in a league that markets their image. Take a look at my interview with New York Times columnist William C. Rhoden for his thoughts on Forty Million Dollar Slaves.
Subscribers of Tony Brown's Journal may view the program in its entirety by clicking the following link: http://www.tonybrownsjournal. com/40-million-slave
With hope for the future by knowing the past,