Tony Brown's Blog

Who Is Tony Brown?

September 6th, 2017 in

Tony Brown, “Television’s Civil Rights Crusader,” as Black Enterprise magazine designated him, is a broadcast journalism legend, producer and host of “Tony Brown’s Journal,” the longest-running national Black-affairs TV series in history. He was inducted into the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) 2015-2016 Hall of Fame on August 5, 2016. He is also the university dean…

Affirmative Action Yields Little Progress

August 25th, 2017 in

After 35 Years, Racial Gaps Widen At 100 US Colleges. Study proves that Blacks were not mentally inferior in the first place. Blacks need enough Black History to develop confidence in themselves to excel. Reports suggests that racial diversity is good, but not a requirement for Blacks to learn. “Even after decades of affirmative action, black…

TBJ Video Catalog

August 22nd, 2017 in

Check out my latest TBJ Video Catalog

First African American Woman In History To Lead The Long Gray Line At West Point

August 18th, 2017 in

The First African American Captain of West Point’s Corp of Cadets While Black partisan politics fades, Black female leadership emerges as the future of a more self-empowerment oriented Black leadership. Black military leadership, in general, just got a boost from the accomplishment of Simone Askew as the first Captain of the 4.400-member Corp of Cadets…

A Message From Heaven

August 12th, 2017 in

A MESSAGE FROM HEAVEN World On Edge Of Nuclear War “Your nervous system is you. All the thoughts, perceptions, moods, passions, and dreams that make you an active, sentient being are the work of this amazing network of cells. For many centuries, people knew that this was true. But no one was sure how it happened,”…

Earn 50% Commission With Black History

July 23rd, 2017 in

The Affiliate Program can help millions of Americans avoid the projected dire impact of few jobs and no economic growth, over the next 10 years, as reported by The New York Times.  Many people need your help in avoiding the new normal of scarcity in our society. Visit to receive FREE information my…

Blacks Path To Life, Liberty and Happiness Blocked

July 11th, 2017 in

The Fourth of July Celebration does not resonate freedom and hope with many people of color in today’s environment of intense political polarization which increasingly results in racial balkanization and vicious political rhetoric.  Russell Contreras (“For Some People of Color, July 4 Offers No Celebration,” AP, 7/3/17) stated that “a lot of people have lost…

How Black Music Made American Music

June 23rd, 2017 in

The music of the Black religious experience is the primary root of all music born in the United States. It is an understatement to note that there is little public awareness of the crucial role of Black sacred music in the development of the broad variety of American popular music. On the strength of this…

Self-Health: Freedom of Choice

June 15th, 2017 in

Tony Brown’s Journal (TBJ) was born in 1968, over four decades ago, because Black people were openly discriminated against in the TV industry. It was created to strike a blow against intolerance against Blacks. In the new millennium, our job is still a matter of opportunity and the preservation of free speech, but on an…

Live Longer With Green Tea

June 10th, 2017 in

I think my friend Terry Allen made a great decision when he gave up coffee some time ago. At that time, he pointed to his need to reduce stress, which plays a role in many, many diseases. This decision now opens the door to a true benefit. Since he is giving up the taste-bud satisfying,…