Tony Brown's Blog

Black Sacred Music Gave Birth to Modern Music

August 25th, 2018 in

Music is the sacred messenger of this message. One of the early messages of my foray into humanity’s early background was Black culture at its origin. Succinctly, it was moved to the periphery of the human experience by a distortion of humanities true history and culture over the centuries. The Black Sacred Music of the…

America’s Top States With The Lowest & Highest Cost of Living

August 10th, 2018 in

The truth, also according to Tony Brown, is that “the lack of knowledge of  living is the cause of ignorance and ignorance is the cause of the death of the body,” permits  the search for truth to continue on an appropriate level in the spirit world. That’s why, without so-called death, there would be no…


July 24th, 2018 in

At the close of the Civil War, the annual income of Black America was $20 million. By 1984, a little more than 100 years later, that figure had grown to $200 billion. But despite the steady growth of Black earning power, the Black family income is well below the national average and the Black community…

Being Black Made “Sammy Run”

July 12th, 2018 in

The Evolution of Sammy Davis, Jr.  (TBJ SHOW #1402):  It’s 1983 and Sammy Davis reflects on his television interview with me in 1971.   Sammy Davis responded, “I’ve survived where other cats would have been down the tubes. A lot of people don’t like themselves. I’ve stopped trying to adjust because its uncomfortable, let me be…

Does The Reduction In Black Unemployment Mean That The “Tear On The Face Of America” Is Disappearing??

June 27th, 2018 in

Overall, US unemployment dropped to 3.8 percent.   Statistics Show Blacks Enjoy Gradual Improvement In Black Employment …. The most recent jobs report shows a dramatic drop in Black unemployment. The rate dropped half a point in May 2018, to 5.9 percent. That’s a historic low. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says the gap between White unemployment…

True Grit, Alice Marie Johnson, Prison Can’t Break Character

June 14th, 2018 in

The American Black population is largely perceived as being a bunch of innate losers who refuse to help themselves while surrounded by opportunity and plenty. The extent to which that prevailing perception is accurate is debatable, despite statistics that confirm a collective Black failure of the Black population in income generation and the source of…

Oscar Micheaux & The Black Cinema Wave

June 7th, 2018 in

The significant difference between the current phase of the recurring 50-year cycle of Black economic successes would have been good fortune for the Blacks who needed a hand up as well, especially self-empowerment workers who want to pull others up with them. Had this been the story line 50 years ago, a lasting economic breakthrough…

Video Pirates Who Steal

May 25th, 2018 in

It is against federal law to steal videos. Unbiased Black History, Dr. Chancellor Williams Interviews On Do you think the Black pirates who steal the products of my Black-owned company care about other Black people? Black thieves share the same human nature with all thieves. They share a selfish nature. My website ( has grown…

In The End, Any Impeachment of President Trump Will Be Decided By Congress

May 18th, 2018 in

In the end, any impeachment of President Donald Trump will be decided by Congress. “Witch Hunt” Is Suspected. Worse Than Watergate? The headlines all refer to a possible impeachment of President Donald Trump. The chances, however, depend on political persuasion or outright prejudice toward the President. His supporters, on the other hand, constitute a rabid…

Noted WSJ Columnist Points A Finger At Possible Gov’t Misconduct and Names Names

May 11th, 2018 in

More Americans appear most interested in a famous icon’s sexual conduct and their political and personal bias than in the latest report by a significant congressional committee that could impact the everyday life of all Americans. Therefore, when a famous and serious columnist in, perhaps, one of the nation’s most prestigious and influential newspapers, The…