Among the responses to my Oct. 31, 2015 blog: (“How To Survive The First Cyber War Attack On The U. S.” (, Nebraska Black wrote: “Definitely read this line: ‘The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has gigantic, strategically located storehouses filled with supplies. I hope that one day African Americans do the same.’” In similar fashion, Derrel Davis commented, “To the Mormons, please explain Tony Brown’s statement: “I hope that one day African Americans will share that (Mormon) kind of required self-empowerment vision.”
Fortunately, some enterprising African Americans have already become leaders in the network marketing industry and are very successful. Unfortunately, not enough of them – and even fewer in the social media aspect of streaming content on their own websites, as well as developing monetized websites with their own with original, exclusive and historical Black Affairs content – which I am in a position to supply them.
For the first time in history, there will be a level playing field for Black media with its own independent distribution system – just like the Hollywood movies and better than the leading streaming companies like Netflix that must lease their product from Disney or some other asset-formation production source. The field is wide open and the opportunities constitute one of the new frontiers for global marketing.
The Sale Of This Product Directly Returns Income To Members Of The Community Who Market And Distribute It
I have a personal interest in helping to develop self-motivated and enterprise-minded people who want to develop a stream of extra income in a fertile market and to recycle this income back into their own communities at the same time. It helps if they have an interest in learning about Black history and its commercial value to like-minded people who are forward thinking.
To receive FREE information on attending my upcoming webinar series on social media and on becoming a part of this self-empowerment, income-producing program that will hopefully form an alliance with other like-minded network marketers or beginners, click Self-Empowerment.
As you can see, I have taken my own advice about all Americans becoming Black West Indians and Mormons, in a figurative sense, because that’s the objective requirement of reality for anyone who wants to achieve the exceptional character traits of these affinity groups to achieve financial independence and equality in your own homeland – wherever you live in the world.
It is significant to note that the idea of self-empowerment, especially economic movements, with the exception of Marcus Garvey, Booker T. Washington and Elijah Muhammed, have been so ignored by the most enslaved, most impoverished, most densely Black and the poorest communities of America. Most conspicuously, the Black Community seems to be waiting for the rich and White to rescue them with phony partisan political slogans and socialist promises of something-for-nothing entitlement delusional social-dependency programs. If you’re Black and addicted to
political handouts, answer this question, “How’s that going for you?”
Download the FREE Tony Brown’s Journal Video & Film Catalog that has show descriptions of the nearly 1,000 programs produced during the 40-year history of the award-winning Tony Brown’s Journal television series.
On the site there are also video clips of rare and iconic programs from the Tony Brown’s Journal Video and Film collection that are available FREE with just the click of a mouse ( -- any time, any place – and as long as you want. These clips showcase many pivotal, yet often-overlooked experiences of African-American life.