
The Blueprint For Black Achievement After The Fall of the Delusion of White Political Salvation.  Everyone was wrong! Events prove that Tony Brown was rightClick (Tony Brown Predicts That Donald Trump Will Be Elected President) for “How two weeks before the Nov. 8 election, I predicted that underdog Donald Trump would be our next President.” ------------   What is now called Black History is actually an indispensable fund of knowledge for everyone because it is the history of the origin of all of humanity, notwithstanding the usurpation of modern European and American colonial powers and institutions, which represents the baseline for White supremacy in the U. S.

Black Alkebulan, “The Mother Of Civilization,” not modern Africa, is the homeland of “Lucy,” the first homo sapien ever born, according to the leading archaeologists, is the baseline for the ancestral history of the homo sapien (human) species on Earth. Just in case you don’t realize what I am saying, I mean that every human being has an ancestral link to the continent of Alkebulan, which was later renamed Africa.

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This evolutionary process and its subsequent migration across the globe has, unfortunately, spread a mass psychological neurosis which has generated an identity crisis with prominent neurotic and psychotic features. At the foundation of this mountain of pathology stands the current strain of today’s White preference – to the degree that the U. S. Black population voluntarily spends about 97 percent of its gross income with the White population while blaming them for 100 percent of Black failure to become economically equivalent.

In this instance, a success phobia among Blacks prevents racial equality.  It also suggests that racial equality cannot be achieved until the Black population elevates its own consciousness to achieve an awareness of how to use its own money and to strategically increase the government’s investment in rebuilding the infrastructure of a self-empowered Black community that can help make America first among the world’s economies.

That level of progress and the speed with which it is achieved must come from within Blacks themselves; not all Blacks and very few Whites embrace Black self-empowerment. Both Blacks and Whites have been psychologically conditioned and dependent on the supervision of the fantasies of uber liberalism and its offspring altruism. In short, a fantasy world of illusionary gifts from White paternalism.

“Do for self,” as Elijah Muhammad said, and empower yourself with knowledge and build the equality you demand that others grant you.

In short, “Rise up, you mighty people, accomplish what you will,” as Marcus Garvey commanded.


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In the first days of the previous blog (“I Told You So”), the Tony Brown’s Journal Facebook page reached hundreds of thousands of people directly and it also drew numerous requests for information on home schooling Black History (Click here for info: home-schooling-catalog-cover